Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On the road again

We're home from our spring trip, after driving through a blizzard in Wyoming -- in May, for heaven's sake! I asked a gal at a truck stop what the deal was having blizzards in May and she said, "Welcome to Wyoming!"

We had two great shows - International Quilt Festival in Chicago and American Quilters Society in Paducah, KY. We changed our booth layout a bit and had two demo stations going all day, every day. We demoed Angelina, our new foiling supplies and Paintstiks.

On the way out, I worked on my Grabbag 2008 challenge quilt. Here's a picture of my traveling design wall. It's a cardboard tri-fold and sits on the kitchen counter in the fifth wheel.

Across the aisle is the dining table, which serves as my cutting station. When cutting is done, it's my sewing station. I have a Bernina 1630 and it has been hauled and bounced around for over 30,000 miles and is still a workhorse.

In the aisle is my ironing station - a chair with a June Tailor Cut n Press. Cayenne, as with all kitties, likes to help.

While mom is sewing, the other babies are napping. Aniu is the dog, an Alaskan husky, and the kitty is Tarjais, aka Butthead.

I can't show you any more pictures of the Grabbag quilt because it's going to be on a CD and sold through Fiberart for a Cause. Tomme Fent organized and managed it. She did a terrific job!

The day after we arrived in Paducah, a pair of birds started building a nest on the fifth wheel tongue. Note the fishing line. We cleaned it off because we were afraid the babies would hatch about the time we had to leave. They started another one. We cleaned that one off as well and they stopped building.

Here's a photo of friend and talented designer, Cathy Arnett, demoing Angelina. Check out her Fabrications Retreat.

And here's Dawn Stapinski of Pittsburgh, also demoing Angelina.

And her husband, Walter, running the cash register.

All of them great folks!

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